Archive for the ‘HiLA’ Category

Weaving Semantic Aspects in HiLA


New paper: Weavign Semantic Aspects in HiLA, published in Proc. 11th Int. Conf. Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD’12)


UML state machines are widely used for modeling software behavior. Due to the low-level character of the language, UML state machines are often poorly modularized and hard to use. High-Level Aspects (HiLA) is an aspect-oriented extension of UML state machines which provides high-level language constructs for behavior modeling. HiLA considerably improves the modularity of UML state machines by extending them by semantic aspects. This paper presents the weaving process for HiLA that we have shown to be sound with respect to the transition-system semantics of HiLA. In particular, we show how our weaving process deals with implicit state activation (and deactivation), maps semantic pointcuts to syntactic elements, and resolves potential conflicts between different aspects. The process has been implemented in an extension of the Hugo/RT UML translator and model checker, the correctness of our weaving is validated by model checking.

AOM Workshop in Barbados


Last week I attended the 2nd Aspect-Oriented Modeling Workshop at Bellairs Research Institute in Barbados and gave a talk on “Modeling the Car Crash Crisis Management System Using HiLA”.

HiLA Web Site Launched


The home page of HiLA (High-level Aspects) is launched.